Tuesday Music

02009-04-21 | Music | 10 comments

Still no answer from Bias/Peak, so I used the free Audacity application. Nice application and you can’t beat the price! Highly recommended.

Here is my rough mix of Kites Over the Playa, made right after I recorded my guitar parts – presented here with Matthew’s permission. You can find the final version on Matthew Schoenings beautiful album The Art of Live Looping – available from his website and our ListeningLounge.

You can download the high quality 320kbps file here.

And yes, the title was inspired by Matt’s visit to Burning Man.


  1. Matt Callahan

    I suppose I could be biased but I prefer this version. In my “whole album” mind, it fits well as a bonus track at the end of The Art of Live Looping.

  2. yumi

    The cd you mention is beautiful and I am happy that I was introduced to Matt Schoening’s music.

    It is amazing the difference.
    There is shading/subtlety that is a different (from the cd version) and allows for a different impact – a softer, more thoughtful impact. I would have to agree on the preference for this version, as well.

  3. Brenda

    Closed my eyes and thought of time as a little girl with my dad, in large field, holding tightly a kite my dad had made for me. Young man asked my dad, if he could help by running with the kite so it could fly. Well, he succeeded but when he returned the ball of string to me, and I watched my precious kite being beat by the wind, I began to cry out of fear of losing that beautiful kite and so reluctantly the young man return the kite to my hands. As an adult, I always wished that I had not let fear control my youth.
    Beautiful piece of music! Thank you.

  4. John

    Ottmar – Have you entertained the idea of a duet album? I would love to hear the interplay of you & Jon &/or Mathew Schoening… Great Musical offering today, thanks for sharing.

    Peace ~ John

  5. Will

    Classical, fresh and twisting, such a nice and unique sound.

  6. Kaz

    This stuffs the best!! Thx everybody!

  7. LindaW

    Yumi hit it right on for me.

    I find that I cannot listen to this without feeling the music take me to another place in time. It makes me think and remember.

    Well done.. and Thank you!

  8. Michael C

    Thank you, beautiful, left me yearning for more.

  9. dave

    Very good!

  10. Panj

    Beautiful…beautiful…B E A U T I F U L…i have found my new sleep Music…this piece soothes my Soul so, while awake,… one can imagine what it will do as one submerges…danke sehr Sir!


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